Stepping On Toes

Dr. Beth Ringwelski DC, CCSP
March 21st, 2024

Chiropractic Treatment for Feet and Bunions with Correct Toes

At Front Runner Chiropractic, we understand the importance of caring for your feet to maintain overall wellness. Bunions, a common foot condition causing a bony bump to form at the base of the big toe, can lead to discomfort and affect mobility. Fortunately, chiropractic care can offer effective treatment options for addressing bunions and improving foot health.

Chiropractic Care for Bunions

Chiropractic treatment for bunions focuses on realigning the foot's structure to reduce pressure on the affected area. By adjusting the joints in the foot and ankle, chiropractors can help alleviate pain and inflammation associated with bunions. Additionally, chiropractic adjustments can improve joint function and mobility, promoting overall foot health. Simple strengthening exercises can fix weak areas that may be contributing to your foot ailments. A simple activity to include is Toe Yoga.

The Role of Correct Toes

Correct Toes is a toe-spacing device designed to help align the toes naturally and prevent common foot problems like bunions. By encouraging proper toe alignment, Correct Toes can reduce the progression of bunions and provide relief from foot pain. When used in conjunction with chiropractic care, Correct Toes can enhance the effectiveness of treatment for bunions and promote long-term foot health. When the big toe gets bent or angled, it changes the mechanics of gait. These patients tend to walk OFF the joint vs THROUGH the joint and have their feet rotates out to the side, also impacting the knee and hip joints.
We prefer Correct Toes due to the durability of their product, ease of use and easy cleaning.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care on foot health

Combining chiropractic adjustments with the use of Correct Toes can offer several benefits for individuals dealing with bunions and other foot issues. These benefits may include:

  • Pain Relief: Chiropractic care and Correct Toes can help alleviate pain associated with bunions by addressing the underlying causes of discomfort. Chronic issues like plantar fasciitis or achilles tendonosis can be fixed with Shock Wave therapy.

  • Improved Mobility: By enhancing foot alignment and function, chiropractic treatment and Correct Toes can improve mobility and range of motion.

  • Prevention of Progression: Correct Toes can help prevent bunions from worsening over time, while chiropractic adjustments can address contributing factors to bunion development. Corrective exercises to strengthen the feet are also an essential part of your foot health journey.

  • Overall Foot Health: Taking a holistic approach to foot care through chiropractic treatment and adding Correct Toes can promote overall foot health and wellness.

Visit Front Runner Chiropractic for Foot Care

If you are seeking relief from bunions or looking to improve your foot health, consider visiting Front Runner Chiropractic for personalized care and treatment options. Our experienced chiropractors can create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs, incorporating chiropractic adjustments and innovative tools like Shock Wave and EMTT to support your foot health journey.

Take the first step towards healthier feet.

Remember, proper foot care is essential for maintaining overall well-being.

Stay tuned for more tips and insights on optimizing your health and wellness with Front Runner Chiropractic.

The Power of Chiropractic Care in Enhancing Athletic Performance

Dr. Beth Ringwelski, DC, CCSP
January 16th, 2024

As aspiring athletes and sports enthusiasts, we all strive for greatness on the field, track, court, or mat. We dedicate endless hours to training, conditioning, and perfecting our skills. But have you ever considered that chiropractic care could be the missing piece in unlocking your full Pathletic potential?
Chiropractic care is a holistic and non-invasive approach to healthcare that focuses on the musculoskeletal system. It aims to optimize overall health.
One of the key benefits of chiropractic care for athletes is the prevention and treatment of injuries. Regular chiropractic care can help in reducing the risk of strains, sprains, and other musculoskeletal injuries. By keeping the body in optimal condition, athletes can stay in the game longer and recover quickly from intense physical activity.
Furthermore, chiropractic care can enhance an athlete's flexibility and range of motion. A properly aligned spine allows for improved joint mobility, which is vital for achieving maximal athletic performance. Whether you're a baseball player throwing a pitch, a dancer executing a split, or a gymnast performing a backflip, your ability to move freely and without restrictions directly impacts your athletic prowess.
Additionally, chiropractic care plays a significant role in optimizing athletic recovery. Intense physical activity can place stress on the body, leading to muscle fatigue, decreased performance, and delayed recovery. Chiropractic can stimulate the body's natural healing process, improving blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and enhancing the delivery of vital nutrients to the muscles and tissues. This aids in faster recovery from training sessions and competitions, ultimately enabling athletes to reach their peak performance more consistently.
Whether you're an elite athlete or an enthusiastic amateur, chiropractic care can be a game-changer in your athletic journey. It offers a holistic approach to health and wellness, targeting not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of dysfunction. By optimizing proper alignment, promoting flexibility, managing pain, and accelerating recovery, chiropractic care empowers athletes to unleash their full potential.

Does cold weather affect my arthritis?

Dr Beth Ringwelski, DC, CCSP
December 15th, 2023

Yes, it does. Cold weather and changes in air pressure can make your joints ache. Cold causes tissues to shrink and air pressure can put pressure on our joints. In winter, these changes can increase pain signals and lead to joint pain.

Here are some easy ways to combat the pain.

Eat a healthy diet by avoiding foods that cause inflammation, such as sugar, fried food, dairy, and wheat. Instead, focus on consuming protein-rich foods like grass-fed meat or wild-caught salmon, along with leafy greens and a small amount of nuts. These choices can help reduce inflammation and alleviate pain.

Staying active is crucial for managing arthritis pain, regardless of the weather. Regular exercise can help strengthen your muscles and improve joint flexibility. In colder weather, you might consider indoor exercises like swimming, yoga, or using a stationary bike. These low-impact activities can help keep your joints moving without putting excessive strain on them.

Dehydration can worsen joint pain and stiffness. It's important to drink plenty of water throughout the day. Proper hydration helps to keep your joints lubricated and reduces friction between them.

Applying moist heat to your joints can provide relief from arthritis pain during the cold weather. You can use warm towels, heating pads, or take warm baths or showers to soothe your joints. The moist heat helps to relax your muscles and improve blood circulation to the affected areas, reducing inflammation and promoting healing.

For people with arthritis, not having enough vitamin D can make joint pain worse. When the body doesn't have enough vitamin D, the immune system is affected, which can cause more inflammation and pain in arthritic joints.

Including vitamin K2 in the supplement along with vitamin D3 makes it even better. Vitamin K2 helps the body use calcium correctly, making sure it goes where it should be, in the bones, and not in soft tissues like arteries and kidneys. Taking both vitamin D3 and K2 together supports bone health and lowers the risk of problems caused by too much or too little calcium.

If you're experiencing persistent joint pain during cold weather, it may be beneficial to consult a chiropractor. Chiropractic adjustments can help relieve joint restrictions, reduce inflammation, and improve overall joint function. Remember, while cold weather may exacerbate your arthritis symptoms, there are steps you can take to manage discomfort and improve joint health.

TMJ Dysfunction Relief

Dr. Beth Ringwelski, DC, CCSP
July 14th, 2023

Jaw pain can be more than just a pain; it but a down right nuisance. TMJD (temporal mandibular joint dysfunction) can contribute to migrainous headaches, facial pain, difficulty chewing and even locking of the TMJ joint.
But what can be done? A visit in to your dentist is always a start. Are you clenching or grinding? Have you damaged any teeth?

  • TMJ Orthotic
    Your dentist can fit you with an oral orthotic to wear at night to keep you from damaging your teeth, but also to keep your teeth slightly apart to take pressure off the temporal mandibular joint.

  • Active Release Techniques (ART®)/Myofascial Release
    There are a handful of muscles on your face and head that can contribute to pain from a TMJ Dysfunction. With ART or myofascial release, we can work to loosen your Masseter muscle which is located on your cheek, close to the TMJ. We also focus on your Temporalis muscle which is located above your ear on your skull. This muscle can be very tender if it is tight and patients often say that working on this muscle recreates their headache sensation. A deeper muscle inside your mouth, called the Medial Pterygoid is named this way as it looks like a Pterodactyl wing. It is deep inside and helps open the jaw. This muscle is suprisinging tender and often gives the patient the most relief when released. And lastly the Digastric muscle which is located under your chin. Working these 4 muscle can give patients with TMJD great relief.

  • Dry Needling
    Dry needling is also an effective way to treat pain associated with TMJD. It works synergistically with soft tissue releases mentioned above. With dry needling, we focus on the Masseter and the Temporalis muscles. Dry needling is effective at elevating trigger points within a muscle. The needles used are very small, fine acupuncture needles and is very comfortable to the patient. Instant relief is noted by the patient.

  • At-Home Correction
    We have found that correcting the times throughout the day where you might clench or grind can be an effective way to treat TMJD. This is a very simple correction. If a patient does this correction throughout the day when they find themselves clenching or grinding, there is over a 60% correlation with them also decreasing those actions while sleeping. Next time you find yourself clenching or grinding, do these two simple steps.
    1. Place your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
    2. Keep your teeth apart and your lips together.
    Do these two corrections and in 3 weeks, you should notice a positive change in your clenching/grinding at night.

Pregnancy and Chiropractic

Dr. Beth Ringwelski, DC, CCSP
May 11th, 2023

Pregnancy is one of the great moments in a woman’s life, but sometimes it may not feel that way. Aches, pains, and bladder issues are just a few of the common complaints we hear from women who accept these as a normal part of the pregnancy journey.
But it doesn’t have to be that way.

What to look for

Any chiropractic adjustment will be good for Mommy throughout the duration of her pregnancy. However, there is a specialized technique called Webster Technique, that has been observed clinically to have improved pregnancy outcomes. I always suggest that pregnant patients or their loved ones looking for a chiropractor during their pregnancy look for a certified Webster Technique practitioner at

What is Webster Technique

Webster Technique is a specific analysis and gentle adjustment. The adjustment is to reduce the effects that are caused by an SI joint (sacroiliac joint) dysfunction. The objective is to improve the neurobiomechanical function of the sacral and pelvic area.

What does Webster Technique do

A sacrum, or tailbone subluxation, may contribute to a hard labor for the mother caused by poor uterine function, pelvic contraction and/or a mal-presentation of the baby. Adjusting and correcting the tailbone subluxation can have a positive effect on all of these issues.
As a practitioner, the Webster Technique will address 6 different contributions to the tailbone misalignment. We will assess your tailbone and loosen adjacent muscles and ligaments; all very comfortably.

Personal Experience

I had bladder issues as the weeks went on with my pregnancy. I had a bit too much pride to think more about it as it was a “part of pregnancy”. Moms will always look for those kicks and movements, no matter how uncomfortable they can be. One day I woke up around 23 weeks and there was less movement. Baby seemed to have moved and wasn’t as wiggly. My OB reassured me and everything checked out normal. I sought out a Webster Certified Chiropractor. The adjustment was very thorough and very gentle. She worked on the round ligament which gave me instant relief to some of my aches and pains. The next morning, I awoke to baby bumbling around as usual and my bladder issues were resolved. I was so elated with the relief that I became certified in Webster Technique myself.

There is so much change in your body during pregnancy that it makes sense to take care of yourself. Look for a Webster Certified practitioner during your pregnancy. I’m happy I did.

“It’s a Game Changer”

Dr. Beth Ringwelski, DC, CCSP
January 13, 2023

Do any of these sound like you? A weekend warrior laid-up after a debilitating hamstring injury. Hard laborer with back pain from all the bending and heavy lifting you do at work. Parent to a high-level basketball player sidelined with a shoulder injury.  Or maybe suffering from a muscle injury from performing a household chore.

Whatever your injury may be, the key to returning you and to your former healthy self might be tricking your body into recovery. Your answer may come from Shock Wave Therapy and EMTT (Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy).

Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Therapy, or Shock Wave, is a non-invasive treatment that delivers acoustic pressure waves into injured tissue from the surface of the skin to reduce pain and promote healing. This procedure produces a micro-trauma that tricks your body into thinking it has been injured thus increasing blood-flow and stimulating an acute healing response. Shock Wave is FDA-approved and works through a process called mechanotransduction, which initiates an inflammatory response. A decrease in blood flow is a large contributing factor to slowed healing in bones, muscles and tendons. Shock wave stimulates the growth of new blood vessels through angiogenesis. Most patient need between 3-6 treatments that take around 15 minutes to complete. The healing process in a typical injury is 12 weeks; and by tricking your body into healing all over again, we get another 12 weeks of healing through tissue remodeling and regeneration. It’s a game changer.

EMTT, extracorporeal magnetotransduction therapy, works from a cellular level as well, but through a very difference process. EMTT is also a non-invasive treatment that treats painful areas of the body with high-energy magnetic pulses, which yields a therapeutic response in the cells by effecting your cells permeability, specifically at your sodium-potassium pumps.
In essence, the pulses created at a cellular level by the EMTT will open channels in your body that allow for more fluid exchange in and our of your cells.

In our office, we have seen amazing changes in pain from osteoarthritis, sports injuries and chronic pain such as low back pain or radiculopathy. This device is completely touch-free and does not have to make contact with your body. Commonly a light “vibrating” or “fluid” feeling is felt in the area of treatment and most patients notice less pain or even no pain after the treatment. There have been many tears of joy and expressions of pure shock after EMTT. We have been coupling this treatment in with Shock Wave so we can take advantage of the increased blood flow produced by that treatment, and pass more nutrients to your cells.

Stimulating your bodies healing process and re-activating cell processes have been a game changer for patients.